Leave Asbestos Removal to the Pros

Buildings all over the country contain asbestos. Asbestos is an natural occurring mineral that is very resistant to heat, electricity and even corrosion. These make the mineral very useful for building. However, these also make the mineral very toxic when exposed to people. Asbestos exposure is the leading cause to mesothelioma cancer which is why… Continue reading Leave Asbestos Removal to the Pros

What is Asbestos and How to Remove it Safely

Many decades ago home builders used various types of materials to insulate the interior. Asbestos was one of those materials. Asbestos was used because it is heat resistance. Fire-resistance material has always been a desired material. It protects the building and insulate. This material is blended into other fabrics and is used in many other… Continue reading What is Asbestos and How to Remove it Safely